Großglockner from robert schwarzenbacher on Vimeo.
sFuemei vo insare Grossglocknerflieg am 19./20. August 2012. Gstart aufn Gamskrogn ba da Poizoim. Traumhofte Dog mit Rentnathermik de ins mid a bo Geia auf iwa 4500m aufigrissn hod ;). Nadialech homma ba de Zwischnlondungen am Hocheiser koa Jausn mitkhob. Owa Schnee is eh a guad ;) Auf jedn Foi setzma vi den Flug an kloan Woid ! Here's the little video of our flight around mighty Grossglockner in magic air under clouds that carried us among vultures to more than 4500m into heaven, high above all the glaciers. Yeah, August 20th 2012 will be remembered as a dream day, a real "homadog" ;). take care & enjoy roboWednesday, September 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hang Gliding Famara III
here is the 3rd episode from the hang gliding heaven series
Hang Gliding Famara III
this year was special in a way that Famara was never on. So getting there involved some going over the falls, ratty leethermals and soaring the Riscorotor. Anyway, nothing beats landing on the beach......Famara never lets you down ;).
Special thanks go to our local cast Paul and Gustavo for keeping us company and never getting tired of pointing out that everything would have been better in fucking MALA!
fly high &
always land on the beach ;)
birds: Gustavo, Paul, Sabine, Willi, Tom & Robo
cams: Paul, Tom, Robo
cut: Robo
song: Lana del Rey / Born to Die
and a little fun when we were too lazy to drag the hangliders around
Here's is a little clip from our Xmas2011 trip to Lanzarote. A little bit of soaring between vulcanos, their clouds and the beach when we were toooo lazy to rig the HG ;). Hitting the beach flying backwards is cool too!
Special thanks go out to Paul and Gustavo for keeping us company and never getting tired of pointing out that everything would have been better in fucking MALA!
fly high &
always land on the beach ;)
song: teflon heart caged animals
Sunday, October 9, 2011
heres a little clip from our Venediger hike & fly from last weekend, october 2nd 2011. Conditiones were just fantastically gorgeous and the flight down a dream come true.
sFuemei vo insan Venedigafliegei von 2. Oktowa 2011
Leida homma an Gerald sein Aepfoestrudl scho zommgessn kob wia mia eigfoin is das dea ah nu aufn Fuem auffikeschd haed...auweiah
.........hoffendlich samma snaxde moi gscheida!
aufpassn !
Saturday, October 8, 2011
do is sFuemei vom letzten Wochnende in de Dolomitn. I bi ma nid sicha ob i des glei dramb hu ;)
October 2nd felt like a dream in the dolomites. Dark blue skies, clear air and gentle thermals ;-). The perfect day to land on top of the astonishing marmolada. I am not sure if this was for real but see for yourself ;-).
take care robo
Friday, September 9, 2011
10Seen Ralley
Ein kloana Film von 10Seen Rundflug mitn ATOS VR10 am 19.4.2011. Dabei gehts darum moeglichst viele Seen des Salzkammergutes zu ueberfliegen. Start ist unser Hausberg der Gaisberg in Salzburg und das Ziel die Landewiese in Aigen. Die 10Seenrunde hats ganz schoen in sich weil man sich gern bei den Seen (Traunseesau) vasenkt ;). Aber das Trixen zahlt sich aus! Ein WunderWunderscheena Flug.
A little movie from our 10 Lake XC flight. Thing is you need to cross as many lakes as possible in the Salzkammergut. And there are plenty which makes the flying interesting and at times very tricky cause the lakes are bloody sinkholes ;). Anyway see for yourself the flying is gorgeous ;).
enjoy robo
here is the tracklog
Saturday, January 22, 2011
famara hanggliding II
do is's sFuemei von Drochnfliagahimmoe ;-)
hi there,
here is the second episode from our Hang Gliding Famara series :-).
The shots are from our recent Lanzarote trip in December 2010. Tom, Henry and me cruising along the Risco all the way past mirador and back. About a 100 times till sun set ;-). All shots were taken with GoPro HD cams. I glued mine on my helmet and Tom had it mounted on the basebar and kiel.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
famara 2011
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